Mystery Blogger Award


Thank you so much to Pippa at the little book owl for tagging me to do the Mystery Blogger Award!

What is the Mystery Blogger Award?
“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.
Okoto Enigma (creator of the award)


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Blogger Recognition Award / Blogging Advice


Thanks so much to Not Another Dumb Blonde for nominating me for this award!

This award was started by Edge of Night so check out their post for the background of the award!

The Rules:
1) Select 15 other blogs you want to give this award to.
2) Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece of advice to new bloggers. List the person who nominated you, and include your award in the post
3) Comment on each blog to let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to your award post.
4) Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night. This way, anyone can find the original post if needed, and we can keep track of the award’s origins.

Origin Story:
I started my blog in June of this year. It was something I had wanted to do for a long time, and had actually tried to do nearly a year ago. But I’m not great at technology (I can hardly remember anything from my IT lessons at school!) and really struggled to get it set up, and work out how to customise and format my blog and posts. I actually still struggle with that sometimes, and am still learning! But I finally decided that if it was something I wanted to do, I had to push myself past the technology barrier. I watched countless youtube videos and read many step-by-step articles, and FINALLY got a blog up and running! Yay!

Books are a large part of my life, and reading is my favourite pastime. However, I have very few real-life book-loving friends, so I don’t get to talk about the books I read to many people. That’s probably my favourite part about book blogging (and bookstagram too) – finding and communicating with more book-lovers! I’m so glad it is something I have started up and I sincerely hope for it to be a platform I continue to use to communicate and express my love of reading for a long time to come!

I don’t really feel like I’m the person to give advice, as I have only been blogging for less than 4 months myself. But I will share with you some of the advice I gave/give to myself!

1. Push yourself through the technology barrier!
If you’re like me and find blogging a challenge due to the computer skills you think you need, don’t worry! Just watch videos, read other blogs (there are blogs actually dedicated to explaining how to use a blog) and keep persisting. I still don’t understand some of the more complex aspects, such as html, but I have learnt enough to keep a working blog running, and it is so rewarding when you finally accomplish it.

2. Write about what you love!
Make sure that whatever you make a blog about, it is something you are interested in and love to discuss. Even within book blogs, there can be a pressure to talk about the most popular books, on-trend genres, books with certain themes etc. But just write about the books you enjoy. If you like romance novels, blog about romance novels. If you love reading fan-fiction, blog about fan-fiction. If you love Young Adult, Children’s, New Adult, Adult books or a bit of all, blog about that!

3. Don’t let your blog control you, you control your blog!
If a posting schedule works for you, then great, but it doesn’t work for everyone. I would like to get into a proper schedule for posting, but I generally just write when I have time, and when I feel enjoyment out of it. Sometimes that means just one post a week, sometimes several. As long as you are posting, and as long as you are enjoying it, don’t stress about writing more than you can handle/have time for!

I nominate:

Hayley @ Bookish Things

Bree @ The Literary Hellion

Sarah @ LF Book reviews

The Awkward Book Blogger

Varsha @ WordsAreMagicGalore

(I know it’s only 5, but I’m writing up quite a few tags, and so tagging 10-15 for every tag is a lot of tagging!)