May Wrap-Up | 2016

This month has been REVISION MONTH. The month of all the revision and all the assignment-completing and all the exam-stressing…

But in less than a week it will be over, and my first year of university will be completed! Which is exciting but also scary. I mean, how did that whole first year go so fast!?

But this meant that I haven’t been able to read much this month. I did manage to read three books, which isn’t awful considering how busy and also difficult this month has been for me, but it’s also not particularly great (I feel like that is my feeling most months this year so far though!).

I am aware that the month of May is not yet entirely over, and that there are still a few days left, but I am pretty sure that I won’t complete another book in the span of those days (because of it being my final week of revision for exams!).  So I am going to leave it at these three, and hope for a much longer wrap-up next month!


A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
Rating: 5/5
Book Discussion (Spoilers!)
I don’t even know where to begin with this book. A Court of Thorns and Roses was my most anticipated read of 2015, and was also my favourite read of 2015. ACOMAF was my most anticipated book of 2016, and is set to be my favourite book of 2016 too. No pressure for book 3 then!
Basically this book was so amazing I can’t even really put into words. (Although I did try in my review!) It was so much better than ACOTAR, and I loved ACOTAR, so that’s high praise from me!

12957190_1195285830482160_517796478_n.jpgThe Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith
Rating: 3/5
I thought this was a very beautifully written story, in terms of great writing and interesting themes. I thought it was a very interesting twist on the fairytale retelling by using it as a sequel rather than a retelling along the same storyline. However, I had a few issues with the style of story-telling, and the fact that most of the story was told in back-story. Overall though, an enjoyable and quick read!

13281824_1224928517517891_203317308_nStars Above by Marissa Meyer
Rating: 5/5
This book was just wonderful. I loved being back in the Lunar Chronicles world, and back with these wonderful characters! I’m not usually a fan of companion novellas, (which, let’s be honest, the vast majority of YA series do have now!) but I was able to put this aside because this was one case where I just wanted to be in the world again. Not because the series left lots of loose ends, but because I was in a Lunar Chronicles hangover and the only cure was more Lunar Chronicles stories! If you loved the series and are usually hesitant in picking up these novellas, I would really recommend them for satisfying any withdrawal symptoms from this series’ end!


So, that’s my May reading wrap-up! As always, let me know how much you read this month, and what your favourites were! My favourite was definitely A Court of Mist and Fury! I wish I could unread that book so I could have the pleasure of reading it for the first time all over again!

Bookish Products – Wishlist

There are so many amazing bookish items that some very talented people have created. I wish I was artistic and creative enough to make these products, but fortunately there are some amazing creations out there, and some amazing online stores filled with bookish/fandom things! So I thought I’d let you know some of my favourite online sellers, and their products at the top of my wishlist!


1. Bookworm Boutique (society6)

I absolutely adore Bookworm Boutique’s mugs on Society6. As a self-professed tea-addict, I do have use for a mug or two…or 24! But there’s always room for one more! These are my three current favourites, but if I were to pick one, I just love the ‘Team Fae’ one. Because if I could be any mythical being, I would totally be a faerie! Also…ACOMAF feels.

Team Fae – Mug

I spend a lot of time taking photos of books – Mug

Book Queen – Mug



And they also stock this very cool t-shirt! The Disney geek in me just LOVES this!

The Library – shirt

2. Kiss my pegs (redbubble)

hamilton shirt 2
– I am in love with this ‘Write Like you’re running out of time’ shirt, designed by Kiss My Pegs, on redbubble. I tried to save the image of the women’s shirt, but it would only let me save the image of the men’s one for some reason beyond my technology knowledge (which is pretty limited, lets be real!). Wearing that shirt would totally motivate me to write more regularly (albeit with sporadic outbursts of Hamilton).

Write Like You’re Running Out of Time – shirt

3. Cadsawan


This online jewellery store has some gorgeous Throne of Glass Jewellery! Of course, the beautiful Eye of Elena necklace is my favourite! They also sell a replica of the ring Chaol gives to Celaena in TOG, some very cool wyrdmark charms, and other cool necklaces.

Eye of Elena Necklace

4. Hebel Design


Another online bookish jewellery store – which has some beautiful Grisha trilogy items, like these really cool charms, which I would love to wear on a necklace!

Grisha Charms

5. Paper Fury (society6)


Totally relatable. Well, at least the blogging part! I feel I need to decorate my room with more book/blog related things, and this throw pillow would be so perfect!

I’m Just Blogging about Books – pillow

6. The Melting Library (Etsy)

Everyone loves a nice-smelling candle. But what about book-themes scented candles!!?? There’s a Night Court one which sounds like it smells gorgeous (Jasmine, Rain and Citrus…). And there’s also Throne of Glass ones, a Night Circus themed one, Harry Potter scents, and so many more. And the packaging on them is so lovely.

The Night Court – candle



So those are just some of the bookish items on my wishlist! If only I had the money to buy all of these beautiful things!

Do you like owning bookish/fandom creations like these? What’s currently at the top of your wishlist? I’d love to know (so I can add even more to my never-ending wishlist!!!).

BOOK REVIEW | Stars Above by Marissa Meyer

stars above
 Stars Above (A Lunar Chronicles Collection)

Author: Marissa Meyer

Genre: Fairytale/Sci-Fi

Published: 2nd February 2016

Format: Hardcover

Rating:  star (1)star (1)star (1)star (1)star (1)



“The first time, he had wondered why she liked books so much, and if it had anything to do with why he liked spaceships. Because they could take you somewhere far, far away”

Goodreads Synopsis:

The universe of the Lunar Chronicles holds stories—and secrets—that are wondrous, vicious, and romantic. How did Cinder first arrive in New Beijing? How did the brooding soldier Wolf transform from young man to killer? When did Princess Winter and the palace guard Jacin realize their destinies?


If you read and enjoyed the Lunar Chronicles and are debating whether this book will be worth your time, let me do you a huge favour and enlighten you…


It is beautiful and wonderful and amazing and lovely and such a great addition to the series!

Stars Above is definitely to be read AFTER you have finished Winter though, as otherwise you may get some spoilers at the end! And no one likes spoilers!

I am going to review this book based on each story individually. In terms of individual stories, there were definitely some that I liked more than others, and I felt that I enjoyed the stories more as the book went on. However, as a collective, this book was just wonderful and amazing and everything I needed in life right now, and I’m not a mathematician or a scientist, so I’m going to pretend that averages don’t exist and round it up to a collective 5 star rating!


The Keeper:

Rating: 3/5
This first story is a prequel to the series, following Scarlett and her grandmother, Michelle Benoit, and explaining how Princess Selene/Cinder came into her care. I thought it was really interesting for some background; to see Cinder’s beginnings on Earth. I also liked reading more about Scarlett’s grandmother, who had an important role in the series, yet didn’t feature in it much at all. However, I didn’t think it was the best start to the book, and it was my least favourite of the stories.

Rating: 3.5/5
In this prequel, we see the plague’s effects on Cinder’s new family, and its impact on her future years. This also wasn’t my favourite of the stories, but it was nice to see the origins of Cinder’s friendship with Iko, and her coming to terms with her life in a strange new house without memories of her previous years. And it flows really well from the previous story.

The Queen’s Army:
Rating: 4/5
This story follows one particular soldier, drafted into Queen Levana’s army, who will do whatever he can to not be turned into the monsters she is creating.
Three guesses for who this special soldier might be…
The funny thing is, I had read this story back when it was released, and didn’t even realise who it was about. I think because it uses his real name, which is only released later in the series, I think? Anyway, I enjoyed re-reading this with that new understanding and appreciation.

Carswell’s Guide To Being Lucky:
Rating: 4/5
Oh Carswell Thorne…we all knew you were cocky and arrogant and endearing, but as a teenager…! It was so funny reading a story about Thorne as basically a mini version of his older, Lunar Chronicles, self. The quote at the top of this review is from this story, and it made me smile. Because teenage Thorne loved his cargo spaceships, and his love for the Rampion ship was apparently a deep-rooted one! This was basically exactly what I imagined a younger Carswell would be like, and I loved reading a story from his perspective, as well as getting a bit of insight into his family life and background, which we don’t get in the main series.

After Sunshine Passes By:
Rating: 5/5
This story follows nine-year-old Cress and how she ended up in her satellite, spying on Earth. It was so heartbreaking. In terms of the story-telling and writing, this was my favourite of the stories. Cress is such a wonderful and real character…with fears and awkwardness and dreams, all in a relatable way. She is my favourite character of the series, and I’m so glad this story made it into this book!

The Princess and the Guard:
Rating: 5/5
This story was my favourite, in terms of content, of the whole collection. I always considered Cress and Thorne to be my OTP for this series, but after finishing this book, I think I would have to say Winter and Jacin may have topped it. I just loved reading more about them, and seeing their bond and connection. It also shows us some important events

in Winter’s life, and shows how she came to her Lunar sickness. It was a beautiful story of strength and care for one another, and I will probably read it many times!

The Little Android:
Rating: 4/5
I found this a very strange little story. I was really confused at first who it was supposedly about. I’m still not completely sure if we were supposed to know the android, but I read the story as if about a completely new character. I found it the most difficult to get into, but also really different (in a good way) and quite emotional. Marissa Meyer made me so connected to these characters in less than 50 pages. I thought, while reading, that this story felt a little like the Little Mermaid, so I looked it up, and yep, apparently that’s what it’s a re-tellling of! Albeit a very vague and unique one. Clearly I’m just wired to pick out fairy tales in everything! It was definitely of a different tone to the rest of the stories, but quirky and interesting to read.

The Mechanic:
Rating: 4.5/5
This story covers Cinder and Kai’s first meeting at Cinder’s stall, but from Kai’s perspective. I am so glad this story was in here. I forgot how much I loved Kai and his sarcastic humour. I loved seeing the scene from his perspective, and reading about his first impressions of her. It was such a cute and adorable scene!

Something Old, Something New:
Rating: 5/5
This is that epilogue that we all needed. There’s just one problem: now I need an epilogue to the epilogue! As the title suggests, this final story follows the wedding of one of the series’ couples. Not really the couple I was expecting though! But still, the story gets the happy ending we all want! This is a hard one to write about without spoiling. So I’ll just say: it is a fitting, wonderful, if a bit cheesy, (but who doesn’t love a bit of cheese?) ending to the series, and I am now experiencing my Lunar Chronicles withdrawal symptoms again!

Readers Can Relate #3 – Anticipated Releases

I haven’t done one of these posts for a while, so I thought it was time for another! This time: Anticipated Reads – brought on by finishing my most anticipated read of this year: A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. As such, I’m talking specifically about the anticipated releases that you end up loving!

These points are basically my feelings while reading ACOMAF, along with other highly anticipated books that I loved. Hopefully you may be able to relate to some of them!


1.Anxiously anticipating every little reveal before the book’s release


Name reveal, cover reveal, release date – you’re there for the reveal of every detail!


2. Release-day excitement


Eagerly, silently pleading with the post man to hurry up and deliver it already!  The postman won’t know what hit him when he hears that excited squeal!


3. Starting the book

giphy (1)

Goodbye social life (did that even exist anyway?), outside world, friends and family. It’s ‘me + book’ special time.


4. Getting to that half way point and realising it’s going to be over soon…


And having that inner turmoil over the decision of whether to power through because you are enjoying it so much, or taking your sweet time to savour every page and delay its ending. It’s a hard decision to make!


5. Turning that final page


That feeling of complete satisfaction and despair at the same time, knowing that the year of waiting and anticipation has come to its end.


6. Book Hangover

download (1)

You spend your time reading/watching/writing reviews and book talks, looking at fan art, stalking the author’s social media, reading fan fiction, and simply spending your spare thinking hours completely absorbed in the story.


7. Trying to get into another book


But none of them are going to match the book you just finished. Is it acceptable to just read that book over again?


8. Back to waiting


At least (if it wasn’t the last book in a series!) there’s another year to go through the roller-coaster of emotions again until the next book is released!



BOOK REVIEW: The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith




Title: The Reflections of Queen Snow White

Author: David Meredith

Genre: Fairytale

Published: 2nd October 2013

Format: ebook

Rating:  star (1)star (1)star (1)starstar



“You chose the difficult road. You chose the path of greatest risk and uncertainty, but it was also the path that led you to happiness.”

Goodreads Synopsis:

What happens when “happily ever after” has come and gone?

On the eve of her only daughter, Princess Raven’s wedding, an aging Snow White finds it impossible to share in the joyous spirit of the occasion. The ceremony itself promises to be the most glamorous social event of the decade. Snow White’s castle has been meticulously scrubbed, polished and opulently decorated for the celebration. It is already nearly bursting with jubilant guests and merry well-wishers. Prince Edel, Raven’s fiancé, is a fine man from a neighboring kingdom and Snow White’s own domain is prosperous and at peace. Things could not be better, in fact, except for one thing:

The king is dead.

The queen has been in a moribund state of hopeless depression for over a year with no end in sight. It is only when, in a fit of bitter despair, she seeks solitude in the vastness of her own sprawling castle and climbs a long disused and forgotten tower stair that she comes face to face with herself in the very same magic mirror used by her stepmother of old.

It promises her respite in its shimmering depths, but can Snow White trust a device that was so precious to a woman who sought to cause her such irreparable harm? Can she confront the demons of her own difficult past to discover a better future for herself and her family? And finally, can she release her soul-crushing grief and suffocating loneliness to once again discover what “happily ever after” really means?

Only time will tell as she wrestles with her past and is forced to confront The Reflections of Queen Snow White.


First of all, thanks so much to the author for providing an ebook copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review.

The first half of this book, I really enjoyed. I felt that the slow pace really worked with the story. And I thought that the author really captured the emotions of pain and grief that Snow White was experiencing after the death of her beloved husband. It was so heartbreaking to read, and the emotion just shone through the book beautifully. I was also enjoying the ‘reflections’ and reading about the classic Snow White tale. And I loved that this retelling wasn’t really a retelling, but was more of a sequel.

The writing was also very beautiful!

“The cavernous chamber appeared a bleak island of melancholy set adrift upon a sunny, celebratory sea.”

Overall, the first half of this book was very strong.

But the second half was just not as enjoyable for me, when I realised that the story was pretty much all back-story. I know there are many books like this, and that many people may enjoy them, but I am not one for the back-story. I like it in small doses, and for a significant point or message that connects to, or helps explain, the current storyline. But I didn’t feel that this book’s current storyline was especially gripping, and I felt, as such, a bit disconnected from it.

I also didn’t really like this character of Snow White. While at the beginning, the glimpses of the ‘current story’ Snow White were brilliant at conveying the emotional trauma, and the early back-story was engaging and interesting, she began to irritate me a little in the second half. She kept making very unnecessarily dramatic decisions, relied on other characters for what to do a lot, and didn’t really seem to develop. She was just not a very strong character to me, and I felt that even when the ‘reflections’ were trying to make the point that she was strong on her own, in each example she still relied on being rescued or advised by another character. I also felt that her emotional turn-around was far too quick at the end – it fits with the fairytale story, but wasn’t completely satisfying.

Overall, it was a good book, and had it continued in the thread of the first half, would have been a great book. It was still an enjoyable and quick read (it’s only just a little over 100 pages), and definitely a nice way to spend an afternoon reading.



Empire of Storms – Cover Talk

So I am pretty sure everyone is aware now, and has seen the cover reveal for Empire of Storms, but I thought I might as well get in on the fun and tell you my thoughts on the newest cover…

(UK Covers)

(US Covers)



UK                                            US

Here they are in all of their beautiful glory!


My Thoughts:


I am still debating whether I prefer the UK or US covers as a whole (yep, it’s taken 5 books and I still don’t know which ones I prefer!). I love the UK covers for how they make the colours pop, and the simple spines look really nice on my shelf. But the background colours of the US editions are so much more exciting and eye-catching.

However, for Empire of Storms, I am completely clear in which edition is my favourite. I just LOVE the UK cover for how it makes the blues and oranges stand out so well. I think the greyish colour on the US edition makes Celaena kind of fade into the background a little.


I love the transition of Celaena in these covers, and this one is my favourite depiction of her. She appears so comfortable in her abilities in this cover. And so badass, but in a kind of calm way – like she can brandish a weapon and hold fire, but there’s a sense of calmness and comfort in it to her. I think that each book’s depiction of Celaena has fit with her character progression throughout the series, and I just love that! And I can’t wait to see Celaena’s character in this next book.


I love that the Eye of Elena is so visibly hanging around her neck, and that she appears comfortable with it on show. I think it fits with that whole comfortable calm look to her.

This outfit doesn’t seem so ‘fantasy’ as some of the other covers, and actually reminds me of a bit of a tidier and cleaner version of her outfit on Throne of Glass. She doesn’t look like she’s ready for battle in this outfit, unlike some of the others, which makes me really curious to see how this book is going to go.


I really like this cover. In fact, I think it’s probably my favourite of the series so far (at least, of the UK covers)!

I can’t wait to see the back cover, and to see what beautiful dress she will be wearing!

This cover reveal has just made me even more excited for this book’s release. Especially as I have just finished ACOMAF and am now in need of more of Sarah J. Maas’ writing and worlds!



What do you think of the new cover? Do you like it? Let me know in the comments!

Book Discussion: A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) by Sarah J. Maas (SPOILERS!)


This is going to be the most fun book review I have ever written. I don’t even have a plan for it, and I’m literally just going to write this out how it comes to my mind, but I have so much to talk about with this book.

First of all, this is a SPOILER book discussion.DO NOT READ THIS IS YOU HAVE NOT READ THE BOOK!

If you want the non-spoiler review, you can check that out here!


Okay so in ACOTAR, I was kind of Team Tamlin. Not because I loved Tamlin. Actually, Tamlin was my least favourite of the male characters in the book, while Rhysand was my favourite. The reason was because I believe in fairytale happy endings. And Feyre literally killed herself out of her love for Tamlin Under the Mountain. She LITERALLY DIED FOR HIM! So a huge part of me wanted them to live happily ever after, because after all she had put herself through, out of her love for him, surely they were meant to last forever.

happily ever after gif.gif

But then again, I understood the Rhysand x Feyre shippers, because I LOVED Rhysand and I loved the scenes with them together. But I didn’t want to think of poor Feyre going thrugh all of that and then not living happily ever after with Tamlin.

But this book just threw it at me…Feyre going through all that she did, was important for her self development, far more than for any love. Because from the very beginning of ACOMAF, it is so blindingly clear that Feyre and Tamlin are both such different people than they were in ACOTAR. And although Feyre truly (and I do believe she truly did) loved Tamlin…she loved him as human Feyre, who had lived a life of hunger and poverty and lack of love, and wanted love and protection. After the things she had gone through, she no longer wanted such protection: the now-Fae Feyre needed to be a protector. All at the same time as Tamlin had seen the woman he loved die and come back to life in front of him, and believed that showing her love would be to protect her and keep her safe. He just goes about it in a kind of twisted, jerk-y way. I mean, the scene where he locks her into the house had my head raging…


Sarah J. Maas is so good at describing emotional pain (I mean that in the best possible way!), and I so completely felt the pain Feyre was feeling. After so long not feeling anything, this becomes the point that anger and despair actually come to her, and it is such a powerful scene. Tamlin, I know you wanted to protect her but COME ON! You don’t lock the woman up and imprison her! You don’t make her wear dresses when she feels constantly uncomfortable in them! You don’t resign her to wedding planning when she has literally just saved your entire country from Amarantha and is clearly capable of so much more! You don’t tell her there is no such thing as High Lady, when you are just feeding her lie after lie to stop her becoming your equal, all to protect her.

I think the thing is, Tamlin loved, and I think still loves, Feyre. But, when he loved her before, it was out of trying to woo her to save his people. And now there wasn’t an imminent threat to his people, there was no rush or challenge in it any more. I think he just forgot that he needed to try any more. But that was just what Feyre needed.

I got closure of the Feyre x Tamlin reletionship being over, and I actually really appreciated it. In so many series, the female character (it is usually a female character, I’m not stereotyping here!) falls madly and deeply in love with the first male that shows them any love and kindness, and this love carries until the end of the series. And this is actually annoying because it is usually their first love too, and how many people’s first love is their true love? I mean, obviously that does happen, but it is annoying to read about all the time. So I really appreciated this book for shaking that up!

Which nicely brings me on to Rhysand…


Rhysand Rhysand Rhysand. Why are you not a real person? It’s not actually fair. I think he has actually become the number one book boyfriend after this book. It’s official…in the completely fictional sense, of course *not really because it’s real in my head though*

When Rhysand interrupts Tamlin and Feyre’s wedding…


He just sort of swaggers in:

“I whirled, and through the night drifting away like smoke on a wind, I found Rhysand straightening the lapels of his black jacket. 
“Hello, Feyre darling,” he purred.”

I mean, reading back over this scene now is so emotional and gives it so much more significance, knowing that he knew they were mates (which I’ll get onto in a minute!). And later on in the book, when he tells her that he would have let her be wed, had she not been desperately, silently pleading in her head for someone to get her out of it. Rhysand would have let the marriage go on if she had been happy. He was going to sacrifice his love so that she would be happy.


Basically, Rhysand is the best. I had so many favourite Rhysand and Feyre scenes, but these are some of them: *emphasises the ‘some’ because if she were to give them all we would be here for hours*

1.The moment where he wakes her after a nightmare (which is significant because Tamlin never did and he was sleeping in the same bed!)

“Hands – there were hands on my shoulders, shaking me, squeezing me. I thrashed against them, screaming, screaming – 
The voice was at once the night and the dawn and the stars and the earth, and every inch of my body calmed at the primal dominance in it.
“Open your eyes,” the voice ordered.
I did.”

2. The scene where Feyre is describing the paintings she did for her sisters in her home.

“Rhys’s voice was raw as he said to the floor, “What did you paint for yourself?”
I drew out the fifth, moving to the sixth before saying, “I painted the night sky.”
He stilled.”

I guess this scene only feels all the more significant to me after finishing. Because when he later tells her that it was him who sent those images through her mind, not knowing who she was, or where she was, but knowing that she was somewhere safe and could hold onto that image he so loved…

Which brings me onto number three…

3. The mating-bond-acceptance scene! AKA best, most emotional scene I think I have ever read. Rhysand tells Feyre his story, and he is so raw and honest and open and I literally sobbed

“If you were going to die, I was going to die with you. I couldn’t stop thinking it over and over as you screamed, as I tried to kill her: you were my mate, my mate, my mate.
But then she snapped your neck.”
Tears rolled down his face.
“And I felt you die,” he whispered.
Tears were sliding down my own cheeks.
“And this beautiful, wonderful thing that had come into my life, this gift from the Cauldron…It was gone.”

“And I said, “You love me?”
Rhys nodded.
And I wondered if love was too weak a word for what he felt, what he’d done for me. For what I felt for him.”


But besides from all of the main characters, this book’s cast of side characters was so fantastic.

Along with Rhys and the Night Court, come his inner court:

Cassian – Basically, the sarcastic, funny, strong but loving character that everyone loves

Azriel – The quiet, reserved character who clearly has so much depth left to unveil

Mor – Possibly my favourite female character in this trilogy. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her. She is powerful and strong, and knows she can inflict so much pain, and yet she is kind and loving, aware of those around her, and restrains from inflicting such pain.

Amren – Who I’m not fully sure about yet. She was certainly interesting, but also a little creepy. But we apparently find out her story in book three, so I am reserving judgement!

And of course there is Nesta and Elain. Elain I still liked, Nesta I am struggling with. I get that she is hard and cold but still loves those close to her, but I just really find it difficult to connect to her. But the next book is probably going to break that because…



I did not see that coming at all! I think at this point I was skim reading a little (which I always do when it comes close to the end of the book, because I am always desperate to get to the ending to find out what happens – I’m impatient, I know!) and I had to re-read this whole scene again, because my brain was so confused.

So now humans can just be made into Fae by being put into this liquid?


But my reservations about that aside, it really does make the ships a lot easier because…

Nesta and Cassian are going to happen. THEY ARE!!!

And Elain and Lucien ARE MATES…well, I kind of saw that one coming actually…


…and I kind of like it.

So I’m leaving my review there because I could go on for hours and hours about my feelings on this book. So I’m going to leave you with probably my favourite quote/moment of the whole book…

“Welcome to the family, Feyre.”
And I thought those might have been the most beautiful words I’d ever heard.”

BOOK REVIEW: A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) by Sarah J. Maas

Title: A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2)

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Genre: Fantasy

Published: 3rd May 2016

Format: Paperback

Rating:  star (1)star (1)star (1)star (1)star (1)



“I wonder if, even in my despair and hopelessness, I was never truly alone. I wonder if I was looking for this place – looking for you all”

Goodreads Synopsis:

Feyre survived Amarantha’s clutches to return to the Spring Court—but at a steep cost. Though she now has the powers of the High Fae, her heart remains human, and it can’t forget the terrible deeds she performed to save Tamlin’s people.

Nor has Feyre forgotten her bargain with Rhysand, High Lord of the feared Night Court. As Feyre navigates its dark web of politics, passion, and dazzling power, a greater evil looms—and she might be key to stopping it. But only if she can harness her harrowing gifts, heal her fractured soul, and decide how she wishes to shape her future—and the future of a world cleaved in two.


A Court of Thorns and Roses (Book One) was my first ever review on this blog. I decided to start with a review of that book because I loved it so much that I could think of nothing but that book for weeks after finishing it. It was my favourite Sarah J. Maas book, and one of my favourite books of all time. There was no way another book could top that one! Not if it was going to mess with any of the characters I loved, or go in any other direction. Well, if I could go back in time to a-year-ago-me, I would kindly reassure her that I was so wrong, and that A Court of Mist and Fury would be ten times better and I would love it because of all of those changes of characters and plot directions. Because this book was beyond words – although I shall try: beautiful, seductive, passionate, intense, gorgeous, phenomenal, breathtaking…can you see my struggle? I beamed, giggled, blushed, shouted out loud and even cried. If you have not yet read A Court of Thorns and Roses, do yourself a favour and read it. If you have read book one and wasn’t as enthralled as I, DON’T STOP THERE, PICK UP THIS BOOK IT IS SO SO SO VASTLY SUPERIOR!

I will put in a warning though that this book has some very mature content, and so if you are a younger reader, and/or feel uncomfortable with that sort of thing, then I would warn you against it!

Okay okay, so now onto a proper kind of review… (there may be spoilers for book one, but there will be NO spoilers for ACOMAF!)

One of the things I loved most about this book was the time spent in the Night Court. After the bargain made at the end of the first book with Rhysand, Feyre is bound to spend one week of every month with him at the Night Court. When he doesn’t call in her bargain for a few months, she thinks he may have forgotten, but oh how wrong she is! And oh how glad I was! The time spent in the Night Court is described so vividly and beautifully that I had the most gorgeous, mystical, magical image in my head. I could see the colours, and hear the parties and feel the night air. It was such a unique and wonderful setting and honestly one of my favourite things about this book!

Rhysand was my favourite character of this book. Lucien was my favourite character of book one, and still one of my favourites. But this book just solidified my love for Rhys. We learn so much more about him, his past, and his character in this book. His connection to the story becomes so much clearer, and to see him outside of the confinement of Under the Mountain, in his own home Court, is something else!

In fact, all of the characters get a strong development in this book. Feyre becomes such a strong and different character in this book. Sarah J. Maas is amazing at character development, and I honestly think Feyre is one of the best character developments I have read. The events of Book 1 have changed her dramatically, and the whole new direction this book takes is kind of centred around the new person she has become. But it is a believable direction, and I loved seeing how those events had not broken her, but had made her so much stronger and braver, yet not in an unrealistic way at all. This transition was so wonderful to read. Tamlin I also had stronger feelings about in this book. In the first book, I liked him, but felt that he was probably the character I felt least towards. But ACOMAF made Tamlin into a much more interesting character. I did miss ACOTAR Lucien in this book, but I still have a hope that there will be more of him in the final book.

I don’t think I can really say much more without spoiling it, but I really loved this book, and I think it has spoiled me for the next several books I will read, because they have so much to live up to, to be anywhere close to the gloriousness of A Court of Mist and Fury! Sarah J. Maas’ books are always so empowering and make me feel like I can take on the world! And they always motivate me to carry on writing, and remind me of how much I love writing and the written word. This book is not only the best book I have read this year, and not only (most likely) the best book I will read this year, but is one of the best books I have read EVER, and will probably become my favourite trilogy ever (yes, I’m holding out much hope for you Book 3!!!).


BOOK TAG: Infinity Dream Award


Thank you to Caitlyn at Rhodes of Reading for nominating me for the Infinity Dream Award!

And shout out to whoever made the featured image (I don’t know who made it but I’ve seen it used on a few of these tag posts so thought I would use it too!).

1. Thank and follow the blog that nominated you
2. Tell us 11 facts about yourself
3. Answer the questions that were set for you to answer
4.  Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them

11 Facts About Me:
(I always struggle to find new facts for all of these tags, so sorry if you already know some of these!)

  1. I study History at University
  2. My favourite areas of history are late Tsarist Russia/beginning of Soviet Union, and religious European history – I’m planning to combine all of that for my dissertation!
  3. I’m one of those people that hardly ever deletes emails, and only when it gets to the point where there are about 3000 emails in my inbox do I actually go through and delete the ones I don’t need to keep!
  4. I love flowers. If something comes in a floral print, I will pretty much always go for that option – as such my room is basically floral-overload!
  5. I am a huge introvert…and proud!
  6. My favourite book series at this precise moment is Sarah J. Maas’ A Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy
  7. I love Paris so much!
  8. My favourite TV shows are Once Upon a Time, FRIENDS, and Lost (and loads more too!)
  9. I like to do nail art in my free time. I hadn’t done it for a while, but I’ve recently picked up doing it again and am really enjoying it. It’s so relaxing (when it goes right!)
  10. I am obsessed with Hamilton and listen to it pretty much every day!
  11. I would pick skirts and dresses over trousers and jeans most days!

Questions from Caitlyn:

  1. If you had to choose, would you rather be a contestant on The Amazing Race or The Great British Bake-Off? (Or The Great British Baking Show…depending on where you’re from!
    – I think I would be pretty bad on both! But I do like to bake sometimes, so probably GBBO!
  2. If you were on a deserted island and only had one book with you, what book would it be?
    – ‘How to survive on a deserted island: for Dummies’ (imagine if that’s actually a thing!?)
  3. Cake or pie?
    – CAKE!!!
  4. How many different cities have you lived in?
    – Only two – the city I grew up in, and the city I live in now at Uni.
  5. Hot chocolate or apple cider?
    – It depends on the situation – in the winter, hot chocolate definitely, but now its hot in the Summer definitely cider!
  6. What super power would you want to have?
    – To be transport myself to places with my mind! Just imagine all of the world that you could see without having to pay for flights! And after a tiring, busy day, you wouldn’t have to walk home! What is it called in A Court of Mist and Fury… winnowing I think?
  7. Who’s the last person you texted?
    – My mum probably!
  8. Do you buy DVDs or watch movies online?
    – I used to collect DVDs, but then I got Netflix, and I can’t quite justify buying them (unless it’s a new release, or a film that isn’t on Netflix!)
  9. Which 3 people, dead or alive, would you want to invite over for coffee?
    – Jesus, William Wilberforce and C.S. Lewis
  10. What’s your favorite accent to hear people speaking with? (British, American, Spanish, etc.)
    – I really like the French accent!
  11. Would you rather have a pet dragon or be a centaur?
    – Have a pet dragon, of course!

I nominate:

  1. Ayunda @ tea and paperbacks
  2. Demmi @ words and lyricss
  3. Chloe @ the weekend geek
  4. Heather @ the sassy geek
  5. Kaytlyn @ the bohemian bookworm

My Questions for you:

  1. Cake or ice cream?
  2. If you could be a mythical being (e.g. elf, faerie, dragon etc.) what would you be?
  3. What is your favourite weather?
  4. Do you prefer to read about heroes or villains?
  5. If you could travel to any country right now, where would you go?
  6. If you could meet your favourite author (dead or alive), who would it be?
  7. If you could star in any musical (or just a show, if you really don’t like musicals!), which would you like to star in?
  8. What is your favourite season?
  9. Ice cream or ice lolly?
  10. What is one thing you absolutely cannot stand?
  11. What is your top book recommendation to non-readers?


April Wrap-Up | 2016

April has been another month of reading only 4 books. I’m still on track with my goodreads challenge though, and given how busy I have been, I’m not really upset with that. I really cannot wait until exam/assignments are over and I can read read read! But for now, here are my brief thoughts on the books I read in April!


13150029_1213434572000619_1520255682_nIlluminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Rating: 2/5
This was the Bookaholic Alliance April BOTM. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed with this book. I really didn’t like the quirky formatting, I found it very difficult to read, and I could not engage with the story at all. There was very little I actually enjoyed with this book, apart from the character Aidan who was, although very difficult to read, a little interesting. I am glad I finally read it though, because it had been on my TBR for ages!

Dark Continent by Mark Mazower
Rating: 4/5
Okay, so this doesn’t really fit in with my normal reading, but I am actually a history student, and do read history books sometimes! The thing is, I only usually read just one chapter, or just a section, to get the information that I need on a topic, and then leave the rest of the book. But this one I read cover to cover, because it was actually very interesting (and gave me lots of useful information to revise for my exam!).

The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkowski
Rating: 4/5
In terms of writing style, character development, technicality of plotting etc this book was by far the best of the trilogy. In terms of the actual story, and my interest in what was going on, it was by far my least favourite. That said, the first two books were just so amazing, and I read them at a time when I really needed something to pick me up, and loved them for doing that. I think that sometimes, that can be the case: certain books are for certain times in your life, and reading them in another time doesn’t resonate so much with you. But I still gave it 4 stars, because the writing absolutely blew me away!

Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes
Rating: 5/5
I ended April with my favourite book of the month: Rebel Spring – Book 2 in the Falling Kingdoms series. Although I had really enjoyed Falling Kingdoms, I wasn’t completely blown away by it, and I felt that something was missing. In this sequel, whatever was missing in Book 1 must have entered into the book, because I absolutely LOVED it! I am so invested in these characters and I am only two books through. I am so excited to see where the story goes in future books – and I have the rest of the series so far with me at Uni so I can just binge through them when I get some time!


That’s my reading wrap-up for the month of April! What have you read this month? And what was your favourite book that you read in April? Be sure to let me know in the comments!