BOOK REVIEW | A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas


Title: A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses #3)

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Genre: Fantasy, New Adult

Published: 2nd May 2017

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Format: Paperback

Rating:  3/5

“When you erupt, girl, make sure it is felt across worlds.” 


Synopsis (from back cover):

She has left the Night Court – and her High Lord – and is playing a deadly game of deceit. In the Spring Court, Tamlin is making deals with the invading king threatening to bring Prythian to its knees and Feyre is determined to uncover his plans. But to do so she must weave a web of lies, and one slip may spell doom not only for Feyre, but for her world as well.

As mighty armies grapple for power, Feyre must decide who to trust amongst the dazzling and lethal High Lords – and hunt for allies in unexpected places.

But while war rages, it is her heart that will face the greatest battle.

Continue reading “BOOK REVIEW | A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas”

Dream Author Panel

Imagine how marvellous it would be if you were able to select every single glorious one of your favourite authors, and put them on a panel together, to discuss all the glorious bookish things?

Eventbrite have a really cool project all about planning your dream author panel, and I had to get involved and share my own! Because I probably spend an unhealthy amount of time dreaming about meeting every single one of my favourite authors, but putting them together in one big panel…now, that would be amazing!

Continue reading “Dream Author Panel”

September Wrap-Up | 2016

Well, I can safely say that I read more than last month…that is, more than zero books!

I know, what an achievement, right!?

I mean, not a whole lot of books were read, and I’m now quite far behind on my reading challenge, but I still have hope that I will catch up in the last three months of the year (only three months left of 2016!!!???).

So in the month of September, I read…

Continue reading “September Wrap-Up | 2016”

BOOK REVIEW | Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas (NO SPOILERS)

eos uk
 Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass #5)

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Genre: Fantasy

Published: 6th September 2016

Format: Paperback

Rating:  star (1)star (1)star (1)star (1)star (1)





“This thing between them, the force of it, could devour the world. And if they picked it, picked them, it might very well cause the end of it.”

Continue reading “BOOK REVIEW | Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas (NO SPOILERS)”

BOOK DISCUSSION | Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas (SPOILERS!)

eos uk

It is books like this that made me start blogging. How can a human being read a book like this and keep all of their thoughts and emotions inside, without someone to explode with excitement to?

EoS begins with Aelin and the gang heading to Terrasen to meet with Darrow and some lords, to try to rally some support. But what is a Sarah J. Maas book without some despair to start off the story? Rejecting her claim as rightful Queen, they deny her her throne and the support she needs for war. But by this point in the series, Aelin has become so strong in herself, that she completely brushes this off, continuing on her journey, and calling in the large number of debts she has earned for herself over her assassin years. Remembering some of that Celaena swagger was a delight to read in this book!

Continue reading “BOOK DISCUSSION | Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas (SPOILERS!)”

What We Know So Far | Throne of Glass TV Show

Empire of Storms was released a couple of days ago, and yesterday something equally exciting was released!

It seems like AGES ago that Throne of Glass was actually optioned for TV, but it seems that in the past few days, there have been a few more details released that make this adaptation even more likely!

  • First of all, a title for the TV series has been set as Queen of Shadows (the title of book 4 in the series).
  • Hulu is developing the show
  • Kira Snyder (The 100) is set to be writing the adaptation
  • Anna Foerster (Underworld: Blood Wars) is set to be directing the potential pilot

I’ll link the article that was posted yesterday, that I got this information from HERE!


It seems that this show may actually potentially be happening in the future!

What are your thoughts though? Are you happy for this series to make it onto your screens, or would you rather it remained on the pages of your books?

Personally, I’m REALLY excited to see how it could be adapted, but I’m trying to imagine it as something completely different. I just hope it’s going to be good!

May Wrap-Up | 2016

This month has been REVISION MONTH. The month of all the revision and all the assignment-completing and all the exam-stressing…

But in less than a week it will be over, and my first year of university will be completed! Which is exciting but also scary. I mean, how did that whole first year go so fast!?

But this meant that I haven’t been able to read much this month. I did manage to read three books, which isn’t awful considering how busy and also difficult this month has been for me, but it’s also not particularly great (I feel like that is my feeling most months this year so far though!).

I am aware that the month of May is not yet entirely over, and that there are still a few days left, but I am pretty sure that I won’t complete another book in the span of those days (because of it being my final week of revision for exams!).  So I am going to leave it at these three, and hope for a much longer wrap-up next month!


A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
Rating: 5/5
Book Discussion (Spoilers!)
I don’t even know where to begin with this book. A Court of Thorns and Roses was my most anticipated read of 2015, and was also my favourite read of 2015. ACOMAF was my most anticipated book of 2016, and is set to be my favourite book of 2016 too. No pressure for book 3 then!
Basically this book was so amazing I can’t even really put into words. (Although I did try in my review!) It was so much better than ACOTAR, and I loved ACOTAR, so that’s high praise from me!

12957190_1195285830482160_517796478_n.jpgThe Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith
Rating: 3/5
I thought this was a very beautifully written story, in terms of great writing and interesting themes. I thought it was a very interesting twist on the fairytale retelling by using it as a sequel rather than a retelling along the same storyline. However, I had a few issues with the style of story-telling, and the fact that most of the story was told in back-story. Overall though, an enjoyable and quick read!

13281824_1224928517517891_203317308_nStars Above by Marissa Meyer
Rating: 5/5
This book was just wonderful. I loved being back in the Lunar Chronicles world, and back with these wonderful characters! I’m not usually a fan of companion novellas, (which, let’s be honest, the vast majority of YA series do have now!) but I was able to put this aside because this was one case where I just wanted to be in the world again. Not because the series left lots of loose ends, but because I was in a Lunar Chronicles hangover and the only cure was more Lunar Chronicles stories! If you loved the series and are usually hesitant in picking up these novellas, I would really recommend them for satisfying any withdrawal symptoms from this series’ end!


So, that’s my May reading wrap-up! As always, let me know how much you read this month, and what your favourites were! My favourite was definitely A Court of Mist and Fury! I wish I could unread that book so I could have the pleasure of reading it for the first time all over again!

Bookish Products – Wishlist

There are so many amazing bookish items that some very talented people have created. I wish I was artistic and creative enough to make these products, but fortunately there are some amazing creations out there, and some amazing online stores filled with bookish/fandom things! So I thought I’d let you know some of my favourite online sellers, and their products at the top of my wishlist!


1. Bookworm Boutique (society6)

I absolutely adore Bookworm Boutique’s mugs on Society6. As a self-professed tea-addict, I do have use for a mug or two…or 24! But there’s always room for one more! These are my three current favourites, but if I were to pick one, I just love the ‘Team Fae’ one. Because if I could be any mythical being, I would totally be a faerie! Also…ACOMAF feels.

Team Fae – Mug

I spend a lot of time taking photos of books – Mug

Book Queen – Mug



And they also stock this very cool t-shirt! The Disney geek in me just LOVES this!

The Library – shirt

2. Kiss my pegs (redbubble)

hamilton shirt 2
– I am in love with this ‘Write Like you’re running out of time’ shirt, designed by Kiss My Pegs, on redbubble. I tried to save the image of the women’s shirt, but it would only let me save the image of the men’s one for some reason beyond my technology knowledge (which is pretty limited, lets be real!). Wearing that shirt would totally motivate me to write more regularly (albeit with sporadic outbursts of Hamilton).

Write Like You’re Running Out of Time – shirt

3. Cadsawan


This online jewellery store has some gorgeous Throne of Glass Jewellery! Of course, the beautiful Eye of Elena necklace is my favourite! They also sell a replica of the ring Chaol gives to Celaena in TOG, some very cool wyrdmark charms, and other cool necklaces.

Eye of Elena Necklace

4. Hebel Design


Another online bookish jewellery store – which has some beautiful Grisha trilogy items, like these really cool charms, which I would love to wear on a necklace!

Grisha Charms

5. Paper Fury (society6)


Totally relatable. Well, at least the blogging part! I feel I need to decorate my room with more book/blog related things, and this throw pillow would be so perfect!

I’m Just Blogging about Books – pillow

6. The Melting Library (Etsy)

Everyone loves a nice-smelling candle. But what about book-themes scented candles!!?? There’s a Night Court one which sounds like it smells gorgeous (Jasmine, Rain and Citrus…). And there’s also Throne of Glass ones, a Night Circus themed one, Harry Potter scents, and so many more. And the packaging on them is so lovely.

The Night Court – candle



So those are just some of the bookish items on my wishlist! If only I had the money to buy all of these beautiful things!

Do you like owning bookish/fandom creations like these? What’s currently at the top of your wishlist? I’d love to know (so I can add even more to my never-ending wishlist!!!).

Empire of Storms – Cover Talk

So I am pretty sure everyone is aware now, and has seen the cover reveal for Empire of Storms, but I thought I might as well get in on the fun and tell you my thoughts on the newest cover…

(UK Covers)

(US Covers)



UK                                            US

Here they are in all of their beautiful glory!


My Thoughts:


I am still debating whether I prefer the UK or US covers as a whole (yep, it’s taken 5 books and I still don’t know which ones I prefer!). I love the UK covers for how they make the colours pop, and the simple spines look really nice on my shelf. But the background colours of the US editions are so much more exciting and eye-catching.

However, for Empire of Storms, I am completely clear in which edition is my favourite. I just LOVE the UK cover for how it makes the blues and oranges stand out so well. I think the greyish colour on the US edition makes Celaena kind of fade into the background a little.


I love the transition of Celaena in these covers, and this one is my favourite depiction of her. She appears so comfortable in her abilities in this cover. And so badass, but in a kind of calm way – like she can brandish a weapon and hold fire, but there’s a sense of calmness and comfort in it to her. I think that each book’s depiction of Celaena has fit with her character progression throughout the series, and I just love that! And I can’t wait to see Celaena’s character in this next book.


I love that the Eye of Elena is so visibly hanging around her neck, and that she appears comfortable with it on show. I think it fits with that whole comfortable calm look to her.

This outfit doesn’t seem so ‘fantasy’ as some of the other covers, and actually reminds me of a bit of a tidier and cleaner version of her outfit on Throne of Glass. She doesn’t look like she’s ready for battle in this outfit, unlike some of the others, which makes me really curious to see how this book is going to go.


I really like this cover. In fact, I think it’s probably my favourite of the series so far (at least, of the UK covers)!

I can’t wait to see the back cover, and to see what beautiful dress she will be wearing!

This cover reveal has just made me even more excited for this book’s release. Especially as I have just finished ACOMAF and am now in need of more of Sarah J. Maas’ writing and worlds!



What do you think of the new cover? Do you like it? Let me know in the comments!

Book Discussion: A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) by Sarah J. Maas (SPOILERS!)


This is going to be the most fun book review I have ever written. I don’t even have a plan for it, and I’m literally just going to write this out how it comes to my mind, but I have so much to talk about with this book.

First of all, this is a SPOILER book discussion.DO NOT READ THIS IS YOU HAVE NOT READ THE BOOK!

If you want the non-spoiler review, you can check that out here!


Okay so in ACOTAR, I was kind of Team Tamlin. Not because I loved Tamlin. Actually, Tamlin was my least favourite of the male characters in the book, while Rhysand was my favourite. The reason was because I believe in fairytale happy endings. And Feyre literally killed herself out of her love for Tamlin Under the Mountain. She LITERALLY DIED FOR HIM! So a huge part of me wanted them to live happily ever after, because after all she had put herself through, out of her love for him, surely they were meant to last forever.

happily ever after gif.gif

But then again, I understood the Rhysand x Feyre shippers, because I LOVED Rhysand and I loved the scenes with them together. But I didn’t want to think of poor Feyre going thrugh all of that and then not living happily ever after with Tamlin.

But this book just threw it at me…Feyre going through all that she did, was important for her self development, far more than for any love. Because from the very beginning of ACOMAF, it is so blindingly clear that Feyre and Tamlin are both such different people than they were in ACOTAR. And although Feyre truly (and I do believe she truly did) loved Tamlin…she loved him as human Feyre, who had lived a life of hunger and poverty and lack of love, and wanted love and protection. After the things she had gone through, she no longer wanted such protection: the now-Fae Feyre needed to be a protector. All at the same time as Tamlin had seen the woman he loved die and come back to life in front of him, and believed that showing her love would be to protect her and keep her safe. He just goes about it in a kind of twisted, jerk-y way. I mean, the scene where he locks her into the house had my head raging…


Sarah J. Maas is so good at describing emotional pain (I mean that in the best possible way!), and I so completely felt the pain Feyre was feeling. After so long not feeling anything, this becomes the point that anger and despair actually come to her, and it is such a powerful scene. Tamlin, I know you wanted to protect her but COME ON! You don’t lock the woman up and imprison her! You don’t make her wear dresses when she feels constantly uncomfortable in them! You don’t resign her to wedding planning when she has literally just saved your entire country from Amarantha and is clearly capable of so much more! You don’t tell her there is no such thing as High Lady, when you are just feeding her lie after lie to stop her becoming your equal, all to protect her.

I think the thing is, Tamlin loved, and I think still loves, Feyre. But, when he loved her before, it was out of trying to woo her to save his people. And now there wasn’t an imminent threat to his people, there was no rush or challenge in it any more. I think he just forgot that he needed to try any more. But that was just what Feyre needed.

I got closure of the Feyre x Tamlin reletionship being over, and I actually really appreciated it. In so many series, the female character (it is usually a female character, I’m not stereotyping here!) falls madly and deeply in love with the first male that shows them any love and kindness, and this love carries until the end of the series. And this is actually annoying because it is usually their first love too, and how many people’s first love is their true love? I mean, obviously that does happen, but it is annoying to read about all the time. So I really appreciated this book for shaking that up!

Which nicely brings me on to Rhysand…


Rhysand Rhysand Rhysand. Why are you not a real person? It’s not actually fair. I think he has actually become the number one book boyfriend after this book. It’s official…in the completely fictional sense, of course *not really because it’s real in my head though*

When Rhysand interrupts Tamlin and Feyre’s wedding…


He just sort of swaggers in:

“I whirled, and through the night drifting away like smoke on a wind, I found Rhysand straightening the lapels of his black jacket. 
“Hello, Feyre darling,” he purred.”

I mean, reading back over this scene now is so emotional and gives it so much more significance, knowing that he knew they were mates (which I’ll get onto in a minute!). And later on in the book, when he tells her that he would have let her be wed, had she not been desperately, silently pleading in her head for someone to get her out of it. Rhysand would have let the marriage go on if she had been happy. He was going to sacrifice his love so that she would be happy.


Basically, Rhysand is the best. I had so many favourite Rhysand and Feyre scenes, but these are some of them: *emphasises the ‘some’ because if she were to give them all we would be here for hours*

1.The moment where he wakes her after a nightmare (which is significant because Tamlin never did and he was sleeping in the same bed!)

“Hands – there were hands on my shoulders, shaking me, squeezing me. I thrashed against them, screaming, screaming – 
The voice was at once the night and the dawn and the stars and the earth, and every inch of my body calmed at the primal dominance in it.
“Open your eyes,” the voice ordered.
I did.”

2. The scene where Feyre is describing the paintings she did for her sisters in her home.

“Rhys’s voice was raw as he said to the floor, “What did you paint for yourself?”
I drew out the fifth, moving to the sixth before saying, “I painted the night sky.”
He stilled.”

I guess this scene only feels all the more significant to me after finishing. Because when he later tells her that it was him who sent those images through her mind, not knowing who she was, or where she was, but knowing that she was somewhere safe and could hold onto that image he so loved…

Which brings me onto number three…

3. The mating-bond-acceptance scene! AKA best, most emotional scene I think I have ever read. Rhysand tells Feyre his story, and he is so raw and honest and open and I literally sobbed

“If you were going to die, I was going to die with you. I couldn’t stop thinking it over and over as you screamed, as I tried to kill her: you were my mate, my mate, my mate.
But then she snapped your neck.”
Tears rolled down his face.
“And I felt you die,” he whispered.
Tears were sliding down my own cheeks.
“And this beautiful, wonderful thing that had come into my life, this gift from the Cauldron…It was gone.”

“And I said, “You love me?”
Rhys nodded.
And I wondered if love was too weak a word for what he felt, what he’d done for me. For what I felt for him.”


But besides from all of the main characters, this book’s cast of side characters was so fantastic.

Along with Rhys and the Night Court, come his inner court:

Cassian – Basically, the sarcastic, funny, strong but loving character that everyone loves

Azriel – The quiet, reserved character who clearly has so much depth left to unveil

Mor – Possibly my favourite female character in this trilogy. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her. She is powerful and strong, and knows she can inflict so much pain, and yet she is kind and loving, aware of those around her, and restrains from inflicting such pain.

Amren – Who I’m not fully sure about yet. She was certainly interesting, but also a little creepy. But we apparently find out her story in book three, so I am reserving judgement!

And of course there is Nesta and Elain. Elain I still liked, Nesta I am struggling with. I get that she is hard and cold but still loves those close to her, but I just really find it difficult to connect to her. But the next book is probably going to break that because…



I did not see that coming at all! I think at this point I was skim reading a little (which I always do when it comes close to the end of the book, because I am always desperate to get to the ending to find out what happens – I’m impatient, I know!) and I had to re-read this whole scene again, because my brain was so confused.

So now humans can just be made into Fae by being put into this liquid?


But my reservations about that aside, it really does make the ships a lot easier because…

Nesta and Cassian are going to happen. THEY ARE!!!

And Elain and Lucien ARE MATES…well, I kind of saw that one coming actually…


…and I kind of like it.

So I’m leaving my review there because I could go on for hours and hours about my feelings on this book. So I’m going to leave you with probably my favourite quote/moment of the whole book…

“Welcome to the family, Feyre.”
And I thought those might have been the most beautiful words I’d ever heard.”