Bookish Products – Wishlist

There are so many amazing bookish items that some very talented people have created. I wish I was artistic and creative enough to make these products, but fortunately there are some amazing creations out there, and some amazing online stores filled with bookish/fandom things! So I thought I’d let you know some of my favourite online sellers, and their products at the top of my wishlist!


1. Bookworm Boutique (society6)

I absolutely adore Bookworm Boutique’s mugs on Society6. As a self-professed tea-addict, I do have use for a mug or two…or 24! But there’s always room for one more! These are my three current favourites, but if I were to pick one, I just love the ‘Team Fae’ one. Because if I could be any mythical being, I would totally be a faerie! Also…ACOMAF feels.

Team Fae – Mug

I spend a lot of time taking photos of books – Mug

Book Queen – Mug



And they also stock this very cool t-shirt! The Disney geek in me just LOVES this!

The Library – shirt

2. Kiss my pegs (redbubble)

hamilton shirt 2
– I am in love with this ‘Write Like you’re running out of time’ shirt, designed by Kiss My Pegs, on redbubble. I tried to save the image of the women’s shirt, but it would only let me save the image of the men’s one for some reason beyond my technology knowledge (which is pretty limited, lets be real!). Wearing that shirt would totally motivate me to write more regularly (albeit with sporadic outbursts of Hamilton).

Write Like You’re Running Out of Time – shirt

3. Cadsawan


This online jewellery store has some gorgeous Throne of Glass Jewellery! Of course, the beautiful Eye of Elena necklace is my favourite! They also sell a replica of the ring Chaol gives to Celaena in TOG, some very cool wyrdmark charms, and other cool necklaces.

Eye of Elena Necklace

4. Hebel Design


Another online bookish jewellery store – which has some beautiful Grisha trilogy items, like these really cool charms, which I would love to wear on a necklace!

Grisha Charms

5. Paper Fury (society6)


Totally relatable. Well, at least the blogging part! I feel I need to decorate my room with more book/blog related things, and this throw pillow would be so perfect!

I’m Just Blogging about Books – pillow

6. The Melting Library (Etsy)

Everyone loves a nice-smelling candle. But what about book-themes scented candles!!?? There’s a Night Court one which sounds like it smells gorgeous (Jasmine, Rain and Citrus…). And there’s also Throne of Glass ones, a Night Circus themed one, Harry Potter scents, and so many more. And the packaging on them is so lovely.

The Night Court – candle



So those are just some of the bookish items on my wishlist! If only I had the money to buy all of these beautiful things!

Do you like owning bookish/fandom creations like these? What’s currently at the top of your wishlist? I’d love to know (so I can add even more to my never-ending wishlist!!!).

14 thoughts on “Bookish Products – Wishlist

  1. I love the Melting Library!!! The Throne of Glass candles smell so good and they last a long time. And those bookish mugs? I want one! 🙋

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahhh I love this post so much, but I don’t think my bank account will!!! 🙈💸 That Eye of Elena necklace looks beautiful AND I NEED ABOUT A THOUSAND OF THOSE NIGHT COURT CANDLES SO EVERYTHING SMELLS LIKE RHYS 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ooooh those mugs are gorgeous! I never buy from Redbubble or Society6 though, they’re so expensive!!! I wish I could, it would’ve expressed my inner bookworm 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OMG! The shirt is just so beautiful, I love it!!!! I need it, now!
    And Throne of Glass necklaces……. aaaaaaaaaarg, another item to add in my fangirl list.
    Seriously, I have a big problem with books merchandising u.u Harry Potter, the Mortal Instruments, and now Throne of Glass…. I´m gonna be poor xD


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