10 BOOKS FOR AUTUMN/FALL | Cosy, Mysterious & Reflective Reads

A bookworm’s favourite season is finally upon us. This week has brought rainy grey days and I am so in the mood for a day locked up at home reading, drinking hot chocolate, lighting candles, curled up under blankets, and all of the cosy vibes.

During this season, I find myself gravitating towards cosy, mysterious and reflective reads. I like my stories to be atmospheric, strange, and thought provoking. I enjoy a slightly slower paced story, because I am at home a lot more and have more time to dedicate to the books that I read.

Here are 10 of my suggestions for books that I think are perfect for Autumn.

Check out the video below to see what they are…



Books usually make up a large proportion of my Christmas gifts. This year, I had asked for only one. Which turned into two. Which turned into five. You can relate, right!?

At least I’m putting some new shelves up soon, and will be able to fit all of the extras into my little room without doing the annual book clear-out (don’t make me give away any more books!).

I thought I’d share which books I received with you, and tell you why I asked for each one.

Continue reading “CHRISTMAS BOOK HAUL”


Books have the power to transport you across the globe and take you to new places. I thought I’d share some of the books that have taken me around the world, and recommend some of them to you. Let’s start with the books that have let me travel around Europe… Continue reading “TRAVELLING THROUGH EUROPE IN BOOKS”

BOOK REVIEW: Autumn by Ali Smith


Title: Autumn

Author: Ali Smith

Published: 20th October 2016

Publisher: Hamish Hamilton

Format: Paperback

Rating:  5 out of 5 stars


“And whoever makes up the story makes up the world, Daniel said. So always try to welcome people into the home of your story.”


The first in a quartet of seasonally-themed novels, Autumn sets off with a clever, witty, warm, cold, clever, melancholic, hopeful look at the current state of Britain. 

Continue reading “BOOK REVIEW: Autumn by Ali Smith”