March Wrap-Up | 2016

How is it already a quarter of the way through the year!!? This year is going so fast! (Although we all say that every year!)

This month was a pretty good reading month. I only managed to finish 4 books, but they were all 4 stars or above! And I’m still ahead on my goodreads reading challenge, so I’m not going to be too hard on myself. 😉


Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Rating: 4/5
This was a very beautifully told story, with some very relevant and important topics discussed. The characters were beautiful, the story was beautiful – it was just beautiful! I didn’t love it as much as everyone else seems to though, and I did have a few issues with feeling a bit of an emotional disconnect from the book – although this may have been because of all of the work and deadlines I had at the time I was reading it. My mind was just not as on the book as it was on my work!

Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms #1) by Morgan Rhodes
Rating: 4.5/5
I loved this start to what promises to be a very epic, intricate, fun, emotional fantasy series. I loved the characters, and I loved the set up that this book laid out for the relationships and story-lines to come. I did think it was a little too fast-paced, but I think that was probably to get the story rolling to the point where the larger story can begin.


A Gathering of Shadows (A Darker Shade of Magic #2) by V.E. Schwab
Rating: 4/5
V.E. Schwab blows me away with every book she writes. Her writing style is always gripping and detailed, and her stories are always engrossing, intricate and epic. This wasn’t my favourite of her books though, and I did find some plot points a bit predictable. A Darker Shade of Magic (book 1) will probably always be my favourite of her books, but AGOS was still such a brilliant story, and V.E Schwab is still certainly one of my top favourite authors!

GREY by Christi J. Whitney
Rating: 5/5
This book was so good, and so different from lots of the YA books I’ve read. It’s got gypsies, old legends, family feuds…what more can you want? I thoroughly enjoyed it am super excited for the sequel, which is coming out this Summer!




How has your reading gone this month? How many books have you managed to finish? What was your favourite? Let me know in the comments! 🙂

February TBR | 2016

I have a pretty busy month ahead – how dare life get in the way of my reading schedule!? – but I have a (hopefully) realistic goal of four books for my February TBR.

passenferPassenger by Alexandra Bracken
I have already finished this one (as of 2nd Feb), and I really liked it. I will go into it more in my review, but the slow-paced build up of the story was very nice, if a little inconsistent in places, and I loved the historical elements to it.


night studyNight Study by Maria V. Snyder
I received an advanced copy of Night Study from Netgalley (the UK isn’t as lucky as the US, and it doesn’t come out here until the end of Feb), and I am SO SO SO excited to read it. Maria is my favourite author, and the Study series one of my all-time favourites. I can’t wait to read the latest instalment.



confessConfess by Colleen Hoover
This is going to be the Bookaholic Alliance February book of the month. If you don’t know, this is the bookclub that I co-moderate with some of my lovely bookstagram friends. This is going to be our first month of reading together, so if you want to join in with the fun and read along with us, please check out our goodreads group page! But after reading and loving Colleen Hoover’s book Slammed last month, I am very excited to read this one!


agosA Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab
Obviously this book is on my list. I am so ridiculously excited for this book. I’m literally counting down the days for it to be released. It is one of my most anticipated releases of the year, although it has a lot to live up to if it’s going to be in the league of ADSOM!



So that’s my TBR. What are you looking forward to reading most in February? Do we have any TBR books in common?